EDUCATION: University of St Andrews, Scotland: MA (Hons.) Class I, Mediaeval History, 1974; University of St Andrews: Research Studentship, 1974-7; Ph.D. awarded 1983 for thesis ‘The Port of London in the 14th century’;
EMPLOYMENT1977-9 Assistant Editor, Victoria County History of Essex, Chelmsford, Essex; 1979-84 Research Assistant, Social and Economic Study of Medieval London, Institute of His-torical Research, University of London; 1984- ‘New Blood’ lecturer in London History, Birkbeck College, University of London; 1994, Senior Lecturer; 2002, Reader; 2009, Professor (part-time from 2012).
FELLOWSHIPS: 1998-9 Honorary Visiting Fellow, Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham University, New York; 2015 Short-term Dulin Fellow, Folger Institute, Washington DC; 2016 Bodleian Library, Oxford, Visiting Fellowship, Centre for the History of the Book.
HONORARY APPOINTMENTS AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES; Convener, Editorial Board of Royal Historical Society ‘Studies in History’, 2015; General Editor, British Academy Records of Social and Economic History, 2012; Member, management committee, British Academy Hearth Tax project; 2011; Board member/Trustee/Hon. Secretary, British Historic Towns Trust, 1997; Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (elected 1991); Member, English Heritage London Advisory Committee, 2012-14; Reviews Editor (pre-1800), Urban History, 2006-14; Member, Editorial Board, Urban History, 1994-14; Honorary General Editor, London Record Society, 1983-2006; Member of Editorial Committee, The London Journal, 1986-95. Read more: Newsletter n. 41 (2020), 16-22