
2002, PhD in History, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania. Dissertation title: Bažnyčios ir valstybės santykiai Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje XVII a. antrojoje pusėje [Relations between the Catholic Church and State in the 2nd half of the 17th century in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania] (supervisor prof. habil. dr. Antanas Tyla).


Since 2019: head of Kaunas History Center, Vytautas Magnus University.

Since 2017: senior researcher at Kaunas History Center, Vytautas Magnus University.

Since 2012: professor at History Department, Vytautas Magnus University.

Courses at History Department, Vytautas Magnus University

BA level: Medieval Europe; Relations between Church and society in Lithuania; Polish history.

MA level: Microhistorical research: theory and practice; Local history.

Research experience and projects

2020-2023, head of scholar project “History and Art of Kaunas Bernardine Convent”, Lithuanian Council of Science.

2017-2019, head of scholar project “Krakės Sisters of St. Catherine: from devout women community to Lithuanian congregation”, Lithuanian Council of Science.

2016, head of scholar project “Kaunas Benedictine Convent: Results of Historical and Art Researches”, Lithuanian Council of Science.

Professional membership

Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Science (LKMA, Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademija)

International Organization of Historians of Christianity (CIHEC, Commission internationale d’histoire et d’etudes du christianisme)

International Commission for History of Towns (ICHT)


2016 Czesław Miłosz’s prize, estabished by Kėdainiai district municipality, for the monograph about Apytalaukis’ parish

2020 Kaunas city annual award in the field of Humanities and Social sciences

Fields of interest

Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Church history of Lithuania, microhistory.



Native: Lithuanian.

Reading, talking, writing: English, Russian, Polish.

Reading: Latin, Belarusian, French, German, Italian.


  1. Kamuntavičienė V., Krakių kotryniečių vienuolynas: nuo dievotų bendruomenės iki Lietuvos kotryniečių provincijos, Kaunas: VDU, 2019 [Krakės Sisters of St. Catherine: from devout women community to Lithuanian congregation] 494 pp.
  2. Kamuntavičienė V., Kauno benediktinių vienuolyno tyrimai, t. 1, Kauno benediktinių vienuolyno istorija XVII–XX a. pr., Kaunas: VDU, 2016. [History of Kaunas Benedictine Convent: between the 17th to the early 20th century], 408 pp.
  3. Kamuntavičienė V., Šinkūnaitė L., Apytalaukio parapija. Mikrobendruomenės istorija. Kaunas: VDU, 2012. [Apytalaukis Parish. History of a Micro-community] 320 pp.
  4. Kamuntavičienė V. Katalikų bažnyčios ir valstybės santykiai Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje XVII a. antrojoje pusėje. Kaunas: VDU, 2008. [Relations between the Catholic Church and state in the 2nd half of the 17th century in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania] 180 pp.
  5. Šinkūnaitė L., Valinčiūtė-Varnė R., Kamuntavičienė V., Lukšionytė-Tolvaišienė N. Kauno Šv. Apaštalų Petro ir Pauliaus Arkikatedra Bazilika. Kaunas: Kauno arkivyskupijos muziejus, 2008. [Archcathedral Basilica of St. Apostles Peter and Paul in Kaunas] 172 pp.

Selected articles

  1. Kamuntavičienė V. Szpitale i szkoły parafialne biskupstwa wileńskiego i żmudzkiego w drugiej połowie XVII wieku według danych aktów wizytacyjnych Kościoła katolickiego. Kwartalnik Historyczny. Warszawa, 2003, pp. 51-72.
  2. Kamuntavičienė V. Каталiцкiя парафii слонiмскага дэканата вiленскага бiскупства ў XVII ст. Беларускі гістарычны агляд (Belarussian Historical Review). Менск, 2004, t. 11, pp. 137-156.
  3. Kamuntavičienė V. Opitołoki: parafia rodzinna Czesława Miłosza w pierwszej połowie XX wieku. Europa orientalis. Studia z dziejów Europy wschodniej i państw Bałtyckich. Toruń, Wydawnictwo naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2009, pp. 373-389.
  4. Kamuntavičienė V. Katolickie parafii Dekanatu Olwickiego według aktów wizytacji 1668 roku. Nauki humanistyczne i sozologia. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowa księdzu profesorowi zwyczajnemu doktorowi habilitowanemu Józefowi M. Dołędzie. Redaktor Jacek W. Czartoszewski. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, 2010, pp. 187–192.
  5. Kamuntavičienė V., Catholic and Jews in the Diocese of Vilnius in the 17th Century According to the Catholic Church Visitations, Christians and the Non-christian Other / Krikščionys ir nekrikščionys kiti. Bažnyčios istorijos studijos IV, Vilnius: LKMA, 2013, pp. 77-85.
  6. Kamuntavičenė V., The Religious Faiths of Ruthenians and Old Lithuanians in the 17th Century According to the Records of the Catholic Church Visitations of the Vilnius Diocese, Journal of Baltic Studies, 2015, vol. 46, issue 2, pp. 157-170.
  7. Камунтавічэне Вайда, Насельнiцтва Ельненскай парафii ў XVII ст. («Старая Лiтва», або ятвяжскi след у Вiленскiм бiскупстве), Arche, 2016, nr. 5, pp. 310-321.
  8. Kamuntavičienė V., Kėdainių katalikų parapija XVII a.: parama ir konfliktai, Istorija, 2018, vol. 109, nr. 1, pp. 28-47.
  9. Kamuntavičienė V., The Founding of the Convent of the Congregation of St Catherine in Krakės in the 17th Century, Lithuanian Historical Studies, 22, Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos institutas, Brill: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018, pp. 1-27.
  10. Kamuntavičienė V., The Attempts of the Bernardines to Influence the Society of Kowno in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century: The Case of a Miraculous Image, Social and Cultural Relations in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Microhistories, eds. R. Butterwick, W. Pawlikowska, New York: Routledge, 2019, pp. 75-88.
  11. Kamuntavičienė V., Filia katarzynek z Braniewa na Żmudzi: Klasztor katarzynek w Krokach w XVIII w. Zapiski Historyczne, 2019, t. LXXXIX, z. 2, pp. 33-56.
  12. Kamuntavičienė V., Problem języka w klasztorze sióstr katarzynek w Krokach w I połowie XX wieku, Acta Baltico Slavica, 2019, t. 43, pp. 1–22.
  13. Kamuntavičienė V., Bonda M., Gli studi sugli istituti di perfezione in Lituania nel periodo 1998-2018, Claretianum ITVC, Nova series X, tomus LIX, Romae: Istitutum Theologiae Vitae Consecratae, 2019, pp. 201-224.
  14. Kamuntavičienė V., Microhistorical approach to Church history: secret life of the sisters of St Catherine in soviet Lithuania, Penser lhistoire religieuse aux XXIe siècle / Thinking about religious history in the 21st century, Lyon: Édité par le Laboratoire de Recherches Historiques Rhône-Alpes, 2020, pp. 19-30.
  15. Kamuntavičienė V., The Last Decades of the Existence of Kaunas Bernardine Nuns (1842–1864), Lithuanian Historical Studies, 2021, vol. 21, p. 31–58.
  16. Kamuntavičienė V., Catholic Women and Religious Life in an Early Modern Lithuanian Town: The Case of Kaunas, Chrétiens et Sociétés xvie-xxie siècles, nr. 28: Genre et religion, 2021, p. 9-23.