• Born 5 July 1965, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
• graduated in history and geography, Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, 1996;
• PhD in historical sciences at the University of Ljubljana 2001 with thesis Transport as one of the Foundations for the Economic Development in the Slovenian Territory in the Middle Ages;
• senior research associate at the Milko Kos Historical Institute, Scientific Research Centre, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) in Ljubljana (from 1996);
• lecturer in medieval history at the School of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica 2008–2012;
• lecturer in medieval history at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska in Koper since 2016;• focus of research is medieval history:
– the history of transport and communications;
– the history of towns;
– the history of the Crusades and the Military Orders;
– the history of nobility, especially Counts of Cilli;
– historical–geographical problems (e.g. the creation of borders, the formation of medieval territories etc.).
• author of five monographs; co-author of Slovenian historical atlas, 2011 (author of 45 historical maps on the middle ages);
• membership of professional associations, institutions:
– member of the Atlas Working Group of ICHT (since 2014);
– member of the Internationale Historische Kommission zur Erforschung des Deutschen Ordens (since 2022);
– member of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East (SSCLE) since 2010;
– editorial board member of the historical journal Kronika since 2007;
– editorial board member of the historical monograph series Thesaurus memoriae, published by the Milko Kos Historical Institute of ZRC SAZU;
– editorial board member of SHT (Slovenian Historical Topography).
Bibliography on the History of Towns
• Zgodnja zgodovina srednjeveških mest na Slovenskem [The Early History of Medieval Towns in Slovenia], Thesaurus memoriae, Opuscula, 1 (Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2009), 176 pp.
• Ljubljana/Laibach in the Southeast of the Empire : The Case of Environmental Relations of a Medieval City. In: Social Functions of Urban Spaces Through the Ages, ed. Gerhard Fouquet et al., Residenzenforschung, Neue Folge, Bd. 5 (Ostfildern: J. Thorbecke, 2018), pp. 169–186;
• The Beginnings of Medieval Towns in the Slovenian Lands and Their “Founders” : Controversies and New Interpretations’. In: Towns And Cities Of The Croatian Middle Ages: Authority and Property, ed. Irena Benyovsky Latin and Zrinka Pešorda Vardić (Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2014), pp. 115–156;
• Zgodovina mest na Slovenskem – revizija in perspektive [Urban History in the Slovenian Territory – Revision and Perspectives]. In: Vizija raziskav slovenske gospodarske in družbene zgodovine, ur. Darja Mihelič (Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2014), pp. 149–162;
• Stadtgründung und Stadtwerdung : Probleme und Beispiele aus dem slowenischen Raum. Pro civitate Austriae, 2009, H. 14, pp. 5–21;
• Predurbane ali zgodnjeurbane naselbine : Civitas Petouia, Carnium/Creina in druga centralna naselja neagrarnega značaja v zgodnjem srednjem veku [Vor- oder frühurbane Siedlungen : Civitas Petouia, Carnium/Creina und andere Zentralorte nichtagrarischen Charakters im Frühmittelalter]. Zgodovinski časopis, 2005, 59, št. 3/4, pp. 269–331; 2010, 64, št. 1/2, pp. 8–44;
• Začetki mesta Slovenj Gradec : Prispevek k nastanku mest na jugovzhodnem Koroškem v srednjem veku [The Origins of the Town of Slovenj Gradec (Windischgraz) : A Contribution to the Formation of Towns in Southeast Carinthia in the Middle Ages]. Kronika, 2008, 56, št. 2, pp. 131–164;
• Nastanek mesta Gorica – dileme in nove perspektive [The Origin of the Town of Gorizia – Dilemmas and New Perspectives]. Kronika, 2007, 55, št. 2, pp. 171–184;
• Die Anfänge von Bischoflack und die Freisinger Bischöfe als Städtegründer: Eine vergleichende Studie über die Stadtwerdung in Krain im Mittelalter. In: Festschrift für Pavle Blaznik, hg. Matjaž Bizjak (Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2005), pp. 93–124;
• Die mittelalterlichen Städte Sloweniens im Lichte der Verkehrsverbindungen. In: Ville et montagne : Stadt und Gebirge, (Histoire des Alpes, 5), hg. Thomas Busset et. al. (Zürich: Chronos, 2000), pp. 63–75.
Other (selection):
• Potujoči srednji vek : cesta, popotnik in promet na Slovenskem med antiko in 16. stoletjem [Roads, Travellers and Transport in Slovenian territory from Antiquity to the 16th Century], Zbirka ZRC, 20 (Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC, 1998), 344 pp.;
• Spopad za prehode proti Jadranu in nastanek “dežele Kras” : Vojaška in politična zgodovina Krasa od 12. do 16. stoletja [The Clash for the Passes towards the Adriatic and the Formation of the “Territory of the Carst” : Political and Military History of Carst from the 12th to the 16th Century (Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa, 2018), 264 pp.;
• The Fifth Crusade and its Aftermath : Crusading in the Southeast of the Holy Roman Empire in the First Decades of the Thirteenth Century. Crusades, 2018, vol. 17, pp. 91–113;
• The Babenberg Dukes of Austria : Crusaders »par excellence«. In: Settlement and Crusade in the Thirteenth Century : multidisciplinary studies of the Latin East, ed. Judith Bronstein et. al., Crusades – subsidia, 15 (London; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021), pp. 270–284;
• Representative buildings of the Counts of Cilli : an expression of dynastic propaganda. In: Visual arts in the Habsburg lands between censorship and propaganda, ed. Franci Lazarini et al., Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 25/2, 2020 (Ljubljana: Založba ZRC), pp. 25–47;
• Das östliche transalpine Tor : Krain als “Transitland” im späten Mittelalter. In: Transit : Infrastrukturen und Gesellschaft in den Alpen von der Antike bis heute (Histoire des Alpes, 21) Hg. Andrea Bonoldi et al. (Zürich: Chronos, 2016), pp. 79–90;
• The Age of the Crusades in the South-East of the Empire : Between the Alps and the Adriatic. In: The Crusades and the Military Orders : Expanding the Frontiers of Medieval Latin Christianity. ed Zsolt Hunyadi (Budapest: Central European University, Department of Medieval Studies, 2001), pp. 123–165.